Tuesday, November 10, 2015

November Science


   As we wrap up our Fall activities, Pre-K is learning about dental hygiene and how to keep their bodies healthy.  Kindergarten is beginning a unit on animal studies.  Grade 1 will be classifying objects using the properties of magnetism and buoyancy.  Grade 2 scientists will be conducting experiments in order to identify the properties of liquids.  Grade 3 will be starting a unit on magnetism.  Fourth graders will be working on some projects on animal habitats.  Grade 5 scientists are learning how to create chemical solutions and how to prepare their own slides and use the microscope to observe scientific specimens. 

Don't Forget. We are still collecting coins to help save the endangered blue whale.

Hope that you and your family have a fabulous Thanksgiving!

Upcoming Events

New York Botanical Gardens           Holiday Train Show - November 21- January 18