Friday, February 12, 2016

February Science

As the winter continues, we will be doing some more fun winter activities.  Kindergarten scientists are beginning a new unit on the Five Senses.  First graders have just finished a class book on winter and will be learning how to use different scientific tools to make observations.  Second graders are continuing their study on seasonal changes and will be working on experimenting with liquids.  Grade 3 is finishing up a unit on Magnetism and will be journeying into a unit on Light and Shadow.  Grade 4 scientists are continuing to prepare for the Citywide Science Test.  Grade 5 students will be finishing up chemistry with chemical reactions.

Great News!!  We were able to adopt two blue whales!!!

Hope that you have a great Mid-Winter break!  Keep out of the cold by visiting one of New York's great museums like The Museum of Natural History or the Hall of Science.